Cemix 20Kg Low Carbon Cement

$21.50 FJD

  • Can be used as a low carbon replacement in all applications where GP cement is traditionally used
  • Low heat created during curing reduces likelihood of hairline cracks dueign curing
  • Achieves the same MPA strength as Cemix GP Cement at 7 & 28 Day tests
  • Due to low heat creation during curing higher long term strength can be achieved using Ecostrong
  • 30% embodied carbon reduction compared with Cemix GP Cement
CEMIX® ECO STRONG is a high quality blended Cementwith Fly Ash and/or Furnace slag, to produce a lower carbon
blended cement, used in civil, commercial, industrial andresidential application.

Fly Ash and Furnace slag are Supplementary Cementious Materials, the use of these products allows us to create a product with Lower Embodied Carbon compared with our current Cemix GP Cement.

Manufactured in NZ

Used as a blended cement in concrete, mortars and
renders for application including:
• Brick & Block Work
• Fence Posts
• Foundations & Footings
• Paths
• Retaining Walls

• Binding agent in mixes when used in conjunction with sands,
aggregates and admixtures
• Reduced heat created during curing process which reduces the risk of cracking
• Improved long term strength
• Reduced potential for alkali-silica reaction

Complies with NZS3122