Beekeeping Smoker with 100mm Leatheroid + Guard

$59.00 FJD $65.00 FJD

Bees play a vital role in our lives because without them we would have a lot less food! Bees pollinate many plants that produce what many of us eat such as almonds, apricots, avocados, beans, cucumbers, melons, pears and much, much more including many of the grasses that feed the animals we eat.'

Unfortunately for us, bees also come with a painful sting which often results in us reacting and hurting them. Bees have kept us alive for thousands of years it's now up to us to keep the bees alive! Become a bee keeper.

So why not nurture our precious bees and stop them from stinging us with this handy bee smoker that will keep them calm and relaxed. 

This is a brand new stainless steel Smoker. Large size for long burning. You don't want to run out of smoke half way through a hive!


* 100% Brand New
* High quality construction
* 100mm leatheroid with guard
* Ideal for beekeepers
* Keeps bees calm and relaxed minimizing chances of being stung

1 x Beekeeping Bee Smoker